



现在在两个地方可以买到贝洛伊特的货. The college’s new online 书店 vendor, Akademos, offers 贝洛伊特-branded merchandise at 书店.贝洛伊特.edu. 胡桃溪服饰 & 礼物, 伯洛伊特当地的零售商和大学合作伙伴, 贝洛伊特在408e的商店里有存货吗. 大大街. 到2021年中期, Walnut Creek will open a new 贝洛伊特 apparel and gift shop on the main floor of the Powerhouse.


贝洛伊特’s mini campaign to help defray costs involved in bringing students back to campus this fall was a huge success. 一天的努力最终收到了来自世界各地的437份礼物, 总共超过120美元,000. 最大比例的捐赠——66%——来自校友.


伯洛伊特市收到了250美元,000 Community Development Investment Grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to help develop the 贝洛伊特 河边漫步 next to the Powerhouse. 预计将于2021年底完工, the project also received funds from the Department of Transportation and Department of Natural Resources.


In 2020, 十大菠菜台子 observed 六月节 as an official holiday for the first time. 6月19日是一年一度的纪念活动, 有时也被称为“自由日”或“解放日”,1865年的这一天,美国德克萨斯州的奴隶终于获得了解放, 标志着南方邦联各州奴隶制的终结.


诗人陈倩琳, 伯洛伊特2020-21年度麦基创意写作教授, 今年8月,她获得了诗歌基金会颁发的2020年露丝·莉莉诗歌奖. 终身成就奖旨在表彰在世的美国公民.S. 诗人,以表彰他们杰出的终身成就. It is one of the most prestigious awards given to American poets and one of the nation’s largest literary prizes.


The Midwest Conference made the decision in late July to suspend all Division III competitions through the end of December to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of Covid-19. 然而, 伯洛伊特的学生运动员继续训练, 计算出, 在一个安全的距离一起吃饭.


The 约翰霍普金斯大学 School of Nursing and 十大菠菜台子 signed a three-year letter of agreement in June, 承认并正式确立了两所学校的长期学术关系. 两所学校都同意推广, 交流, and guide qualified students through the admission process for 约翰霍普金斯大学’ Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), 进入护理课程.


《菠菜白菜吧》,其中之一 U.S. 新闻的 最主要的竞争对手。, evaluates and ranks colleges based on their contribution to the public good in three categories: social mobility, 研究, 促进公共服务. 在2020年的文理学院排名中,伯洛伊特大学排名第一. 218所文理学院中的30所.


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